Growing a greener future: Planting 1,600 trees with GreenTheUK

We’re excited to announce that dbfb, in collaboration with GreenTheUK, has made significant strides in our environmental sustainability efforts. Since our partnership began in 2022, we’ve planted 1,600 mixed-species, climate-resilient trees across four regions in the UK—doubling our initial goal and underscoring our commitment to meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Statistics show that in the Top 5 SME trends of 2024, includes Environmental, Social and Governance is something that influences stakeholders when partnering and purchasing from SME companies – which is why dbfb are taking action in protecting our UK woodlands, and contributing to the ongoing battle of climate change. 

CSR in action

At dbfb, CSR means taking action. Our partnership with GreenTheUK is proof of this, as we’ve exceeded our tree-planting commitment, positively impacting national landscapes and mitigating the effects of climate change. These 1,600 trees are a tangible step towards a more sustainable future. 

The impact of 1,600 trees

Planting 1,600 mixed-species trees is about more than meeting a target. It’s about enhancing biodiversity, supporting ecological balance, and building resilience against climate change. These trees will absorb carbon, improve air quality, and provide vital habitats for wildlife.

Benefits for communities and businesses alike

Our tree-planting initiative brings broad benefits:

  1. Cleaner air: Our trees improve air quality, contributing to healthier communities.
  2. Boosting local economies: Thriving woodlands attract visitors, supporting local businesses.
  3. Combating climate change: As carbon sinks, our trees help reduce CO2 levels.
  4. Fostering community pride: Tree planting brings people together, fostering environmental stewardship.

Sustainability: A shared priority

Sustainability is central to dbfb because it’s important to our customers. We understand that today’s customers and their businesses prefer to work with ethical, environmentally conscious organisations. Our commitment to these values strengthens our relationships with customers who share our vision for a responsible future. By choosing dbfb, our customers support a supply chain dedicated to positive environmental impact.

Our vision

At dbfb, we aim to be a leader in service-driven communications with sustainability at our core. Our partnership with GreenTheUK reflects our commitment to real change.

A message from our Workplace and Sustainability Director, Jess Ansell

“As the Workplace and Sustainability Director, I’m proud of our steps towards environmental responsibility. Our partnership with GreenTheUK and the planting of 1,600 trees demonstrate our dedication to a sustainable future. Sustainability is a collective effort, and together, we’re making a lasting, positive impact.”

Join us in creating a greener future. Every action counts, and together, we can make a difference.